Super high value Continuous Integration test with Drupal, Jenkins and Selenium

Sometimes unit testing is a lot of work, especially if you have a system that has had many months of development without it.

One very valuable test is to check there are no errors in the Drupal log after you've committed new code.

First I clear the Drupal error log when Jenkins runs an update from version control using Drush:

cd /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/mysite
drush --uri= watchdog delete all

Then when I run the Selenium tests I load all the major pages of the site and do some other clicking around. Finally I visit the dblog report and check there are no errors (The source code of the table below can be put directly into your Selenium test script, just omit the <table> tags, but this assumes you're using html based test suites):

The Selenium Steps

open /admin/reports/dblog
click link=Filter log messages
addSelection id=edit-severity label=emergency
addSelection id=edit-severity label=alert
addSelection id=edit-severity label=critical
addSelection id=edit-severity label=error
addSelection id=edit-severity label=warning
addSelection id=edit-severity label=debug
clickAndWait id=edit-submit
assertTextPresent No log messages available.

The Selenium Code

<td>link=Filter log messages</td>
  <td>No log messages available.</td>

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